ms24438  Bhutan Ginger Engineer - v - Macedonia b00bs

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Status Score Rating
Won 2 0
Status Score Rating
Lost 0 0

szejdi (eventide) (6)
Player of the Match
(15) The-spiki (spiki)

GameUrban Terror
Event2015 - Urban Terror Master Series #2
Date13-12-2015 22:00
Fixture edited byGost0r / 13/12/2015 22:51
Result entered byGost0r / 13/12/2015 22:52
Admin DecisionYes
Fixture Created07-12-2015 00:49 (Biddle)
Game Type
(Bhutan Ginger Engineer)

0 : 0
(Macedonia b00bs)

0 : 0


Bhutan Ginger Engineer Report:

20-12-2015 Player KJT. Left Team b00bs XDDDDDDD

Admin Report:

#WeWillNeverLetFagsDown #Admins&DG4Life

Macedonia b00bs Report:

3 days ago I informed szejdi and mvt Sunday is not good.
szejdi didn't want to play on Saturday.

KJT appeared to be solution to get it done on Sunday, and originally it was okay with admins.
Couple hours before match I was informed he will not be allowed to play.
I offered to play on Monday, szejdi dissagreed.

I offered to give official forfeit IF there are no negative repercussions for kjt in competition. Admins said there wont be problems because we play unnoficial match / "the pcw".
You were scared of the lineup or something and banned a player.
No pcw obviously means you don't get the forfeit that I offered.
In my opinion that was the best solution. If we played "the pcw", you would get the win in UZ. You were fine with that but caved at last moment. Szejdi, this is entirely your fault.

Since match was not scheduled or forced on UZ site for today there are now two options:
- double forfeit (this is probably best solution now)
- admins force the match to tomorrow for example?

Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:23 pm
[ -2 ]

b00bs gonna win this xDDDDDDDDDDDD
Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:19 pm
[ 1 ]

Robb gonna win LCS too xDDDDD dumbass
Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:47 pm

adx. <3
Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:56 pm

I'll rape you my friends, be prepared Smile
Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:06 pm
[ -3 ]

Zapomniałeś zaakceptować zaproszenia my clanwhore frjend.
Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:09 pm

Po prostu gram w drużynie w której liczy się doświadczenie. Jealous??????
Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:03 pm
[ -1 ]

should i turn off monitor just for the lolz?
Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:16 pm
[ -5 ]

I understand it if you don't wanna see the scores by the time we're done

le downvote army is here xdddd
Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:34 pm

says random ita buahhaha
Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:24 pm

Random ita who has more golds than you RUOK
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:08 pm
[ 1 ]

ayylmao u so funny
Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:15 pm
[ 1 ]

Roflmao. How many golds in competitions do you have?
Please count them all, and give me the number.

Dufi has like 10 times more than you man.

Better check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:06 am

Put that on your CV
Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:08 pm

just do it
Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:09 pm

challenge accepted!
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:53 pm

1. Players will need to choose for one unique team to play with during the master series.
2. No transfer is allowed during the Master Series. Rosters will be locked.

b00bs and ninja should get double forfeit if u follow this rules. So please stop telling is always sze's fault (fck im really on his side?)..
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:56 pm
[ 1 ]

Match was not forced for today...

I offered forfeit win to D&G if we play the pcw.
Szejdi was at first okay, then I guess scared to play that pcw.
Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:35 pm
[ 1 ]

I've always been in the roster baby
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:54 pm

ahhhhh so sad I wanted this UZ MS gold so much! I even trained day and night on casatown Sad
UZ MS Gold is the most prestigious medal to win! a #goal for all urt players!! I would exchange all my former medals just for a UZMS gold!!!
Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:00 pm

ggwp spiki and szjedi this is by far the most tense final to have ever happend!! I hope they GTVed this Very Happy `lessons can be learned!!
Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:02 pm

szejdi was the clear MVP in this match tho. no doubt about it! next time better spiki!
Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:05 pm
[ -3 ]

Too bad you couldn't play Vred buddy, but The-edgy prefered a pcw with brtk and kjt instead :/

Hopefully you'll join a decent team for next season.
Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:12 pm
[ 2 ]

Lol szejdi, what is your percentage of brain usage? 0 or next to 0 i guess.

He was available for Saturday.
But you szejdi didn't wanted to play Saturday.

When KJT became an option, I took that to play tonight.
But you cried to admins so they overturned their decision and said he cannot play.

So I offered you to play tomorrow when vrederust is available again.
But you declined that.

So YOU are the person who preferred not to play with Vrederust.

So I offered you pcw in exchange for forfeit win... you agreed, then declined when people connected.

I guess you prefer to hunt forfeits rather than play.
Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:17 pm
[ 1 ]

Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:20 pm

- "szejdi"

Too bad you couldn't play Vred buddy, but The-edgy prefered a pcw with brtk and kjt instead :/

Hopefully you'll join a decent team for next season.

hahaha thanks bro we cool <3
Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:31 pm
[ 1 ]

- "The-spiki"
I guess you prefer to hunt forfeits rather than play.

U give us a forfeit then we are hunting it ? i dont get it
Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:35 pm

Cowards everywhere \(._.)/

Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:49 pm

fucking noobs
Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:11 am

Glad to see that u are alive aerox
Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:14 am
[ 1 ]

Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:14 am
[ 4 ]

also damn who's that handsome guy hurdling all those shit teams?
Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:22 pm
[ 1 ]

pretty sure that's elijah wood
Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:20 am
[ 1 ]

I think its camaroz do u know that fggt ?
Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:45 am
[ 1 ]

- "Adriix"

- "The-spiki"
I guess you prefer to hunt forfeits rather than play.

U give us a forfeit then we are hunting it ? i dont get it

Yes, szejdi is hunting forfeits rather than playing.

Here are the facts.
1. Last week was deadline, szejdi and Camaroz asked me to agree to double forfeit. I preferred to get extension and get the match played, got admins to agree with extending deadline.
2. Friday morning I told szejdi that we got problem for Sunday night.
He didn't wanted to play on Saturday.
3. Saturday we got "solution" accepted by admins, KJT playing on Sunday. Szejdi complained and few hours before match admins said he will not be allowed to play.
4. Sunday night I told szejdi we either play with KJT or on Monday, he didn't wanted to play either of those two.
5. Same night I offered him forfeit win by rules if we play the "unnoficial pcw".
He said yes, but caved when we all connected on the server.

So I can definitely say that szejdi put huge effort into NOT playing and into hunting forfeit.

Adrix, now I challenge you to say one more time that he wanted to play.
Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:38 am

This comment has been deleted by an Admin
Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:44 am
[ 2 ]

We rly wanted to play but against the same lu as u played ninja. Not with thoses clanhoppers whores. We werent afraid at all just u guys dont stop crying about it and u brook the rules thats all.

Ps : mv Lets take a tea with maku
Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:02 pm
[ -1 ]

Hello my friends

At the beginning I wanted to say that @szejdi is ignorant and dwarf. As you see he's speaking to The-spiki without respect, (ok I understand it, but we're on amateur league site, so you should be a bit nicer.

I wanted to write that Gost0r can't put forfeit to b00bs, because Match wasn't forced, so what does it mean??? It means that match vA vs FruitNinjas is on the same stage like b00bs vs D&G, but match is not forfeited like in situation vs [b00bs] vs D&G.


Next argument that I would like to ask about banning members on clanwar server. As you know 1st map to be played was in CTF mode, so me as member of my team should be allowed to stay on sub during the match. My join to b00bs had one goal: to scare szejdi and lead on ctf as captain and being support of team as Coach. I wanted to help b00bs with my 'sub/spec' view, but szejdi's decided to permanently ban me on server, where my team have CW match and I've to lead them in CTF mode.

I can't understand decision of Gost0r that he put 2:0 to D&G while szejdi was banned me 2 seconds after join to server. Tell my dear Gost0r that banning people in role as coach on CTF subs is allowed by enemy team?? I don't think so. We could put ready on the server, but szejdi banned me when I had to be team Coach and he didn't let us to start the match, so if enemy team didnt let to start your match, they should be forfeited right? They're obstacle to start thematch.

I hope that someone of you uz admins gonna read my opinion about this match and You'll to abstract after-effects. Still waiting on forfeit in match Fruitninjas vs vA, because it was same match status and szejdi Congralutations for win against [b00bs] in final. Funny thing is that szejdi is scarred to play pcw vs me and KJT and he did everything and trashtalk to get 2:0 vs b00bs when we wanted join to team. Never mind its finish of urt drama and admins take correct about it please and let b00bs to play vs D&G without me and kjt.

Best regards elberetkinho (not dwarf)
Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:09 pm
[ 1 ]

- "The-spiki"

So I can definitely say that szejdi put huge effort into NOT playing and into hunting forfeit.

Says the guy whose team is known to us for quitting clanwars whenever they lose their map/mode pick.

- "The-shitti aka "The-edgy"

Same night I offered him forfeit win by rules if we play the "unnoficial pcw".

You didn't have to "offer" us shit, we had plenty of reasons to forfeit you.
If you honestly thought you'd get to negotiate the terms of your own forfeit you might have a spare chromosome.


Thanks for the Christmas gift.
Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:16 pm

fuck ya pawel, nobody gonna read this HAHAHAHA you're mad XD
Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:12 pm
[ 1 ]

- "BrTk`"

My join to b00bs had one goal: to scare szejdi and lead on ctf as captain and being support of team as Coach. I wanted to help b00bs with my 'sub/spec' view, but szejdi's decided to permanently ban me on server, where my team have CW match and I've to lead them in CTF mode.
Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:27 pm
[ -1 ]

Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:14 pm

usiadz wez krzeslo
Mon Dec 14, 2015 3:02 pm

U look pretty sze there
Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:24 pm

szejdi be professionalist and speak english.
Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:53 pm

I deleted my previous 'dr;tl' comment by mistake so i will try to say it asap (also without logs cause im too lazy to look for them again):

b00bs clan was asking me and brtk during all month to join their team. We were refusing them all time. Last time they asked me on Thursday and i said that i will think about it (szejdi's scandalous behaviour started to be annoying to us and others (insultings, talking some shits etc.) were unacceptable, i dont understand why he insults 2 guys who helped him win everything that he reached (except this ms and 2div ts))

Anyway i said to b00bs that i will ask admins about it. I did it on Saturday and admins said that im avaiable to play, but brtk cant play. B00bs sent us invi and i said to brtk keep this invi, just hold it to troll szejdi, cause his obvious butthurt is coming and we can troll him easy if he will start to crying etc.

As i said, szejdi started to insulting us, some stupid threats, generally madkid. He was spamming to admins all day that 'omg they cant play, they r the best duo in urt now, i have no chance, rules blablabla' so when he 'wattered a lot of fields in Africa with all his tears ;/' admins said that we both cant play.

I said no problem: rules = rules, but now it will be fckn shitstorm because b00bs may not be 5 (they thought on saturday that i can play)

Later, it was something like 'u can play with kjt, but it's gonna be forfeit anyway'. I said 'ok, so let's play with brtk if it's gonna be forfeit anyway, im sure it will be great match.' We offered to play it as final what will be forfeited or as pcw in formula of ms final and after that b00bs will forfeit real ms final, because match wasnt forced/accepted
However someone from d&g went to madness again (i heard it's a twin of adx) and banned brtk from their server. I offered unban brtk or change server but they refused (spiki plays or u quit). I also asked if they agree on me why did they ban brtk without understandable answer... I decided to quit a server.

Both matches (final and 3rd place match) werent forced and played, why we can see only 1 forfeit, it's strange...

u can notice only people from szejdi's clan insult others:

- "szejdi"

clanwhore frjend; The-edgy; this idiot; jesteś tak spierdolony; niedojebane dziecko z ADHD.

- "Adriix"

thoses clanhoppers whores

u have to calm down my amigos, nobody insults u. It's only the game u were scarred to play xd

btw in last 1,5 yr we played in 2 clans xd (obviously uz @down)

no offence my friend adrix, but u r the last guy who can call us clanwhores....

Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:02 pm

Lol, sure I was scared to play against Mister Brtk and KJT ouhhhhh.

No to be serious I wrote that cause u pissed me off with ur "pcw stuff"..

I'm also sorry if my twin banned BRTK from the server Sad
Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:16 pm

- "KJT."

btw in last 1,5 yr we played in 2 clans xd

D&G, Aesir, Hash, D&G again, b00bs, +5dd, KRH, wp*, b00bs again, D&G again, b00bs again.
Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:37 pm
[ 1 ]

- "szejdi"

- "KJT."

btw in last 1,5 yr we played in 2 clans xd

D&G, Aesir, Hash, D&G again, b00bs, +5dd, KRH, wp*, b00bs again, D&G again, b00bs again.

why do u lie?

Hash, D&G again:

'kjt plz leave hash, join me we need ur help, i think we cant win 1div ctf without u, please my friend, we drew too many matches and we have to win vs 7s' (c) szejdi

sometimes im too good for people xd

i never played in KRH (U PLAYED WITH THEM XDDDD)
i left b00bs only once....(2 MONTHS AGO)

szejdi: krh, wH, aesir, 7s, d&g XDDDDDDD

but nt
+check it correctly next time...
Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:50 pm

Like always, your every sentence is factually incorrect.

- "szejdi"

Truth is nobody ever wants to play against your fucking shit team.

And that is why we have 450+ matches played on UZ alone, and you only 56... Right?

It would also be nice if you stopped lying and putting words in our mouths like you always do. Nobody ever said anything about double forfeits

Just one week ago:
- you asked for double forfeit
- Camaroz asked for double forfeit
- Gostor wanted to set double forfeit
You want chatlogs?

and you agreed to play on sunday you goddamn moron. We gave you multiple choices yesterday: play 4vs5 or play with KJT and get forfeited according to the rules. You chose to give us a forfeit and play a pcw with Brtk instead.

I said I'm okay to play the unnoficial with kjt and I will we accept forfeit at UZ.
You agreed. Then we came to the server and you didn't wanted to play anymore... Your word = nothing. Your sportmanship is also 0, just like your percentage of ubrain usage.

According to the rules, the match was not scheduled to that time and there should be either double forfeit or scheduled properly and played... but you got your way because...

Case closed.

Apparently case is closed, but not because it was the correct and fair thing to do... only because Gost0r decided like this... As usually, when it comes to my team it's the opposite of rules...

I'd like to wish you an angry muslim with a pack of semtex for christmas.

Go fuck yourself szejdi...
Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:22 pm
[ -1 ]

- "The-spiki"

only because Gost0r decided like this...

See, even Gostor thinks you're a dumbass. Not answering anymore, see you next season.

unless you die before it which i really hope for
Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:23 pm

y'all motherfuckers need jesus
Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:06 pm

Urban Zone joke as usual!!! u guys rules specialy the admins xD
Maybe they should focus more in admining and less in the game play hahahah
Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:27 pm

Who gives a shit about uz titles anyways. Clanbase was the real shit. Urt is just for fun nobody is going to remember who won what. I MEAN CAN YOU TELL ME WHO WON SEASON 6 TS without looking it up.
C ya next season and gratz dng
Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:32 pm
[ -3 ]

- "Vrederust"

I MEAN CAN YOU TELL ME WHO WON SEASON 6 TS without looking it up.


In div 16 though.
Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:14 am
[ 1 ]

y'all need to chill and smoke one
Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:47 pm


-you agreed to play sunday (WANT CHATLOGS?)
-you had 5 on sunday but didn't want to play the cw with people on your roster legally because you think they suck
-you proposed saturday because you have no life
-you proposed monday so you can have your full lineup when we didn't
-you still don't know how to lead a team after all these years

-stay on a team for a whole season then maybe you'll get to play a final
-we understand why you wanted a pcw so badly against us --- because you choke in actual cws

-can't even argue with you guys until you learn english

-more info pls
-what did you say?
Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:40 am
[ 1 ]

- "bzegs"

-stay on a team for a whole season then maybe you'll get to play a final
-we understand why you wanted a pcw so badly against us --- because you choke in actual cws

primo: i didnt want to end this season uz after i left b00bs, but ur leader wanted to have easier wins and he asked me to join ur team (even when you were 10+ guys in roster XD)
maybe i shouldnt help u, but:

- "kjt"

sometimes im too good for people xd

secundo: I didnt want to play ms (all teams were offering us to play ms), but ur leader knows nothing about respect to other people, that's why i asked admins and they allowed me to play. Day later ur leader was crying a lot about me, so admins changed their decision.



PS. I forgot that i have special logs for adx:

lip 20 18:49:20 <n0nam3> so the game is today 22:00 cet right? you didn't confirm it
lip 20 18:49:53 <kjt> brtk talked to adx
lip 20 18:50:04 <kjt> and he confirmed it
lip 20 18:50:08 <n0nam3> oh ok
lip 20 18:50:54 <n0nam3> here's a thing, one of my guys is working, and I maybe don't have 5, can I play with 4 or can I add someone to play?
lip 20 18:51:22 <kjt> add someone
lip 20 18:52:03 <n0nam3> ok, I think there is a 24 hour period like uz or something but I'll talk to admin if u want
lip 20 18:52:09 <kjt> ye
lip 20 18:52:15 <n0nam3> ok
lip 20 18:52:18 <kjt> but we agree on break this rule
lip 20 18:52:41 <n0nam3> ok ok, tks, see you at 22h

EOT for me Smile
Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:49 pm
[ 3 ]

comedy gold for camarao plz
Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:06 pm
[ -1 ]

- "bzegs"

-more info pls
-what did you say?

- "bzegs"

What'd you say Maku? It sounded smart.
Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:46 am

Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:53 am

- "bzegs"

-you had 5 on sunday but didn't want to play the cw with people on your roster legally because you think they suck

not really, it was just coz they are not playing urban terror, if people are on roster and online on ts/irc doesn't mean they are active in urt.

but i agree with sentence about saturday cozzzz ----->>>
Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:37 pm
[ -3 ]

almost cut myself on that edge
Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:39 pm

< hübsch

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