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Skeet Shoot Idea

Skeet Shoot Idea

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:48 am
Author: Wutang
While playing Skeet shoot the past few days I seem to be getting a lot of 50's as well as other players. I think there should be a system implemented that if you get 8 50 hits on someone then you should get 4pts. Also in order to get the full point(s) you would need to get a even amount of 50 hits on a clay.

Also, a friend and I thought that there should be a Team Skeet Comp similar to the Summer Cup season but skeet shoot. This would be like 3 teams have 3 different platforms to shoot from. A substitute on each team records the playing and keep track of the teams score.
Clans: BoB, JI, and HOl are playing. Those 3 teams take there spots on their platforms (mx 5 to a team). A extra player is the substitute for the team and is recording his teams scores and keeping track of whos is whos.

Another suggestion would be instead of GTV a match have players put onto a scripted 3rd team and restricted to the 'Lounge' area of the map in skeet shoot 2011.

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