// // Nexu's config // - Urban Terror 4.1 config // - Requires IoUrbanTerror 1.35 (newer than December 21 2007 version) type /version in console // WILL NOT WORK WITH Q3A or OLDER IOURT/IOQ3 !!! // // file: nexooh.cfg // edit: 20.04.2008 08:58:22 // tabsize: 4 // name "nexooh" //// game settings seta com_altivec "0" // Enable the use of Altivec on PowerPC systems, obsolete for PC systems seta com_blood "1" seta com_hunkmegs "384" // make sure we can load all maps seta com_introplayed "1" seta com_maxfps "125" seta com_soundMegs "30" seta com_zoneMegs "32" seta win_fastmodechange "1" seta cl_allowdownload "0" seta cl_altTab "0" // disable alt-tab as default seta cl_anonymous "0" seta cl_autoRecordDemo "0" seta cl_aviFrameRate "30" seta cl_aviMotionJpeg "1" //seta cl_cURLLib "libcurl-3.dll" // let the system pick it seta cl_freelook "1" seta cl_guidServerUniq "1" seta cl_lanForcePackets "1" seta cl_master "master.urbanterror.net" seta cl_maxpackets "42" seta cl_maxPing "800" seta cl_mouseAccel "0" seta cl_packetdup "1" seta cl_pitchspeed "140" seta cl_run "1" seta cl_yawspeed "140" seta cm_playerCurveClip "1" seta rate "25000" seta snaps "20" seta ttycon_ansicolor "1" seta ut_timenudge "0" seta vid_xpos "0" seta vid_ypos "29" seta vm_cgame "2" seta vm_game "2" seta vm_ui "2" //// hud and match settings seta cg_antilag "1" seta cg_autoradio "2" seta cg_autorecordmatch "1" seta cg_autoscreenshot "2" seta cg_autoswitch "1" seta cg_bobpitch "0.000" seta cg_bobroll "0.000" seta cg_bobup "0.000" seta cg_brassTime "1000" seta cg_cameraOrbitDelay "50" seta cg_chatHeight "6" seta cg_chatTime "10000" seta cg_crosshairfriendrgb "1,0,0,1" seta cg_crosshairHealth "1" seta cg_crosshairnamessize "0.22" seta cg_crosshairnamestype "2" seta cg_crosshairrgb "0,1,1,1" seta cg_crosshairsize "22" seta cg_crosshairX "0" seta cg_crosshairY "0" seta cg_draw2D "1" seta cg_drawcrosshair "8" seta cg_drawcrosshairnames "1" seta cg_drawfps "1" seta cg_drawFriend "1" seta cg_drawHands "1" seta cg_drawIcons "1" seta cg_drawSnapshot "0" seta cg_drawStatus "1" seta cg_drawteamoverlay "1" seta cg_drawteamoverlayscores "1" seta cg_drawteamscores "1" seta cg_drawtimer "1" seta cg_footsteps "1" seta cg_fov "104" seta cg_gunsize "1" seta cg_hitsound "1" seta cg_hudweaponinfo "1" seta cg_lagometer "1" vstr set_mapalpha5 // seta cg_mapalpha "0.5500" vstr set_arrowscale18 // seta cg_maparrowscale "1.8" vstr set_mappos5 // seta cg_mappos "5" vstr set_mapsize25 // seta cg_mapsize "250" seta cg_maptoggle "1" seta cg_marks "1" seta cg_marktotaltime "15000" seta cg_maxFragments "32" seta cg_msgHeight "6" seta cg_msgTime "8000" seta cg_novoicechats "0" seta cg_noVoiceText "0" seta cg_nvg "3" seta cg_optimize "1" seta cg_pausePitch "0" seta cg_pauseYaw "0" seta cg_physics "1" seta cg_predictitems "0" seta cg_rgb "128 128 128" seta cg_runpitch "0.000" seta cg_runroll "0.000" seta cg_scopefriendrgb "1,0,0,1" seta cg_scopeg36 "2" seta cg_scopePSG "2" seta cg_scopeRGB "0,0,0,1" seta cg_scopering "0" seta cg_scopesr8 "2" seta cg_scorePlums "0" seta cg_sfxbrasstime "20000" seta cg_sfxBreathing "1" seta cg_sfxMuzzleFlash "0" seta cg_sfxParticles "0" seta cg_sfxShowDamage "1" seta cg_sfxSurfaceImpacts "1" seta cg_sfxTeamBands "1" seta cg_sfxVisibleItems "1" seta cg_shadows "2" seta cg_showbullethits "2" seta cg_smoothClients "0" seta cg_speedo "1" seta cg_standardChat "0" seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.4" seta cg_teamChatHeight "5" seta cg_teamchatsonly "0" seta cg_teamChatTime "19000" seta cg_viewBlob "1" seta cg_viewsize "100" seta cg_visibleBleeding "1" seta cg_zoomfov "22.5" seta cg_zoomWrap "1" //// graphics settings seta r_allowExtensions "1" seta r_ambientScale "0.6" seta r_colorbits "32" seta r_colorMipLevels "0" seta r_customaspect "1" seta r_customheight "900" seta r_customPixelAspect "1" seta r_customwidth "1200" seta r_depthbits "24" seta r_detailtextures "0" seta r_directedScale "1" seta r_displayrefresh "0" seta r_dlightBacks "1" seta r_drawSun "0" seta r_dynamiclight "2" seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1" seta r_ext_compress_textures "1" seta r_ext_gamma_control "1" seta r_ext_max_anisotropy "4" seta r_ext_multitexture "1" seta r_ext_texture_env_add "0" seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1" seta r_facePlaneCull "1" seta r_fastsky "1" seta r_finish "0" seta r_flares "1" seta r_fullscreen "1" seta r_gamma "1.85" seta r_glDriver "opengl32" seta r_GLlibCoolDownMsec "0" seta r_ignoreFastPath "1" seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1" seta r_ignorehwgamma "0" seta r_inGameVideo "1" seta r_intensity "1" seta r_lodbias "2" seta r_lodCurveError "250" // cheat-protected seta r_mapOverBrightBits "0" seta r_maxpolys "1200" seta r_maxpolyverts "6000" seta r_mode "8" seta r_overbrightbits "0" seta r_picmip "2" seta r_primitives "0" seta r_roundImagesDown "2" seta r_simpleMipMaps "1" seta r_smp "0" seta r_stencilbits "8" seta r_stereo "0" seta r_subdivisions "4" seta r_swapinterval "0" seta r_texturebits "32" seta r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" seta r_vertexLight "0" //// sound settings seta s_doppler "1" seta s_khz "44" seta s_mixahead "0.2" seta s_mixPreStep "0.05" seta s_musicvolume "-0.031250" seta s_sdlBits "16" // SDL bit resolution seta s_sdlChannels "2" // SDL number of channel seta s_sdlDevSamps "0" // SDL DMA buffer size override seta s_sdlMixSamps "0" // SDL mix buffer size override seta s_sdlSpeed "0" // SDL sample rate seta s_useopenal "0" // Use the OpenAL sound backend if it's available seta s_volume "0.687500" //// input settings seta in_joyBallScale "0.02" seta in_joystick "0" seta in_logitechbug "0" seta in_midi "0" seta in_midichannel "1" seta in_mididevice "0" seta in_midiport "1" seta in_mouse "-1" seta in_subframe "1" seta joy_threshold "0.15" seta m_filter "0" seta m_forward "0.25" seta m_pitch "0.015" seta m_side "0.25" seta m_yaw "0.022" seta sens_fov_narrow "sensitivity 4.655" seta sens_fov_wide "sensitivity 4.655" vstr sens_fov_wide //// player settings seta color1 "3" seta color2 "6" seta funblue "ninja,goggles" seta funred "ninja,goggles" seta handicap "100" seta raceblue "3" seta racered "3" //// UI settings seta ui_bigFont "0.30" seta ui_smallFont "0.18" //// Sound effects macros set sfx_click1 "play sound\misc\menu1" set sfx_click2 "play sound\misc\menu2" set sfx_click3 "play sound\misc\menu3" set sfx_click4 "play sound\misc\menu4" set sfx_click5 "play sound\misc\kcaction" set sfx_click6 "play sound\bomb\bomb_hit_floor_1" set sfx_click7 "play sound\bomb\bomb_hit_floor_2" set sfx_click8 "play sound\items\laseronoff" set sfx_click9 "play sound\items\use_medkit" set sfx_tick1 "play sound\surfaces\bullets\concrete2" set sfx_tick2 "play sound\surfaces\bullets\gravel2" set sfx_tick3 "play sound\surfaces\bullets\gravel3" set sfx_tick4 "play sound\surfaces\bullets\wood2" set sfx_tick5 "play sound\surfaces\bullets\glass1" set sfx_drip1 "play sound\bbqmine\drip1" set sfx_drip2 "play sound\bbqmine\drip2" set sfx_drip3 "play sound\bbqmine\drip3" //// generic key functions unbindall bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind CAPSLOCK "vstr scoreboard" // scoreboard toggle bind ENTER "ui_selectteam" // team selection screen bind BACKSPACE "ui_selectgear" // gear selection screen bind [ "team red" // red team bind ] "team blue" // blue team bind \ "team spectator" // spectate bind HOME "vstr use_class1; vstr sfx_tick1" // gears: nexu favorite bind END "vstr use_class2; vstr sfx_tick2" // gears: scoped bind PGUP "vstr use_class3; vstr sfx_tick3" // gears: rush based bind PGDN "vstr use_class4; vstr sfx_tick4" // gears: slow based bind F9 "vote yes" bind F10 "vote no" bind F11 "screenshotjpeg" bind F12 "vstr record_demo" //// movement controls bind w "+forward" bind a "+moveleft" bind s "+back" bind d "+moveright" bind SPACE "+vstr do_sprint_on do_sprint_off" // sprint bind SHIFT "vstr do_walk" // walk toggle //// NOTE!! INS and DEL represent MOUSE5 and MOUSE4. But since those aren't working //// in Windows with Q3. I used Razer driver tool to map INS & DEL to those keys //// Use Find to replace all these entries to your need. bind INS "+moveup" // jump bind ALT "+vstr do_crouch_on do_crouch_off" // crouch bind c "vstr do_sprint" // sprint toggle //// weapon control bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind t "+button3; vstr sfx_click2" // firing mode switch bind r "+button5" // reload //// NOTE!! INS and DEL represent MOUSE5 and MOUSE4. But since those aren't working //// in Windows with Q3. I used Razer driver tool to map INS & DEL to those keys //// Use Find to replace all these entries to your need. bind DEL "+vstr do_zoom_on do_zoom_off" // zoom/fov toggle bind MWHEELUP "vstr do_wheelup" // zoom-in/primary and secondary bind MWHEELDOWN "vstr do_wheeldown" // zoom-out/sidearm bind CTRL "vstr weap_knife" // knife bind e "vstr weap_grenade" // grenades ( bind b "vstr show_modus" // show current nade and pistol mode bind 4 "ut_itemdrop flag;ut_weaptoggle bomb" // drop flag or ready bomb bind 5 "vstr select_gear; vstr sfx_tick5" // activate selected gear mode at respawn bind q "ut_itemuse" // toggle current item in bank bind TAB "ut_weapdrop" // drop weapon bind i "vstr set_itemfire; vstr sfx_click8" // laser item shooting mode (make sure laser is current selected item) bind o "vstr set_nademode; vstr sfx_click9" // toggle grenade key mode: select and cycle / select and auto throw bind p "vstr set_pistolmode; vstr sfx_click4"// set pistol fire script mode bind u "vstr set_nvgshade; vstr sfx_click6" // toggle nvg color shades bind 7 "vstr nvg_prev; vstr sfx_click7" // toggle to prev nvg color shade bind 8 "vstr nvg_next; vstr sfx_click6" // toggle to next nvg color shade bind j "vstr set_altview" // switch between scope/fov toggle bind 6 "vstr set_wheelmode; vstr sfx_click1" // switch -> zoom or weapon mousewheel //// interactions bind f "+button7" // open door bind MOUSE3 "+button6" // bandage bind v "vstr set_map; vstr sfx_drip2" // map display mode bind m "maptoggle; vstr sfx_drip3" // map on/off bind z "ut_itemdrop kevlar" // drop kevlar vest bind x "ut_itemdrop medkit" // drop medkit bind g "ut_itemnext" // cycle inventory bind UPARROW "ut_itemuse" bind DOWNARROW "ut_itemdrop" bind LEFTARROW "ut_itemprev" bind RIGHTARROW "ut_itemnext" bind k "kill" bind / "vstr set_volume" // toggle audio volume level bind semicolon "vstr do_setarrowscale; vstr sfx_drip1"// toggle map arrow size bind , "vstr do_setmapalpha; vstr sfx_drip1" // toggle map alpha transparency bind . "vstr do_setmapsize; vstr sfx_drip1" // toggle map size bind l "vstr do_setmappos; vstr sfx_drip1" // toggle map positions //bind ' "vstr set_graph" // toggle graphics detail level bind PAUSE "vstr set_alttab" // toggle alt-tab on/off //// chat and radio bind - "messagemode" // text message bind = "messagemode2" // text message to team bind h "ui_radio" bind KP_ENTER "ut_radio 1 4" // Radio: Area secured bind KP_PLUS "ut_radio 4 6" // Radio: Anyone need support? bind KP_MINUS "ut_radio 1 6" // Radio: Medic on the way, hang in there. bind y "ut_radio 1 1" // Radio: Affirmative bind n "ut_radio 1 2" // Radio: Negative bind 1 "ut_radio 3 3 ^7[^1+^7] ^2$health ^7[^1+^7]" bind 2 "ut_radio 5 1 ^8<^1!^8> ^2$crosshair ^8<^1!^8>" bind 3 "ut_radio 6 9 ^7==> ^2$location ^8| ^3$weapon ^8[^7$bullets^8/^7$clips^8]" bind F1 "ut_radio 9 9" // Radio: Thanks bind F2 "ut_radio 9 4" // Radio: Sorry about that bind F3 "ut_radio 9 6" // Radio: No problem bind F4 "ut_radio 4 1" // Radio: Status? bind F5 "ut_radio lol" // Radio: Hahaha bind F6 "ut_radio 9 2" // Radio: Nice one bind F7 "ut_radio 4 8" // Radio: Who's your daddy! bind F8 "ut_radio 9 7" // Radio: Ow, you idiot // radio fast keys set radio_empty "ut_echo ^7::||^5 R ^7||:: " // ctf mode :: set c_KPUP "bind KP_UPARROW ut_radio 7 8" // Radio: Flag exiting front set c_KPDOWN "bind KP_DOWNARROW ut_radio 7 9" // Radio: Flag exiting back set c_KPLEFT "bind KP_LEFTARROW ut_radio 7 6" // Radio: Flag exiting left set c_KPRIGHT "bind KP_RIGHTARROW ut_radio 7 7" // Radio: Flag exiting right set c_KP5 "bind KP_5 ut_radio 7 1" // Radio: I've got the flag set c_KPHOME "bind KP_HOME ut_radio 7 2" // Radio: I'm going for the flag! set c_KPEND "bind KP_END ut_radio 7 5" // Radio: Recover the flag! set c_KPPGUP "bind KP_PGUP ut_radio 3 1" // Radio: I'm moving in. set c_KPPGDN "bind KP_PGDN ut_radio 2 3" // Radio: Hold your position set c_KPINS "bind KP_INS ut_radio 7 4" // Radio: Base is being overrun! set c_KPDEL "bind KP_DEL ut_radio 2 2" // Radio: Fallback and regroup! set set_radioctf "vstr c_KPUP; vstr c_KPDOWN; vstr c_KPLEFT; vstr c_KPRIGHT; vstr c_KP5; vstr c_KPHOME; vstr c_KPEND; vstr c_KPPGUP; vstr c_KPPGDN; vstr c_KPINS; vstr c_KPDEL" // bomb mode :: set b_KPUP "bind KP_UPARROW ut_radio 2 1" // Radio: Move in set b_KPLEFT "bind KP_LEFTARROW ut_radio 8 1" // Radio: Heading to bombsite A set b_KPRIGHT "bind KP_RIGHTARROW ut_radio 8 2" // Radio: Heading to bombsite B set b_KPDOWN "bind KP_DOWNARROW ut_radio 8 6" // Radio: The bomb is loose! set b_KP5 "bind KP_5 ut_radio 8 5" // Radio: I have the bomb set b_KPHOME "bind KP_HOME ut_radio 2 8" // Radio: Flank them set b_KPEND "bind KP_END ut_radio 8 3" // Radio: Enemy at bombsite A set b_KPPGDN "bind KP_PGDN ut_radio 8 4" // Radio: Enemy at bombsite B set set_radiobomb "vstr b_KPUP; vstr b_KPLEFT; vstr b_KPRIGHT; vstr b_KPDOWN; vstr b_KP5; vstr b_KPHOME; vstr b_KPEND; vstr c_KPPGUP; vstr b_KPPGDN; vstr c_KPINS; vstr c_KPDEL" // tactical mode :: set t_KPUP "bind KP_UPARROW ut_radio 2 1" // Radio: Move in set t_KPDOWN "bind KP_DOWNARROW ut_radio 5 5" // Radio: Incoming! set t_KPLEFT "bind KP_LEFTARROW ut_radio 3 8" // Radio: I am flanking set t_KPRIGHT "bind KP_RIGHTARROW ut_radio 5 4" // Radio: Enemy headed your way! set t_KP5 "bind KP_5 ut_radio 2 4" // Radio: Stick with me set t_KPHOME "bind KP_HOME ut_radio 2 8" // Radio: Flank them set t_KPEND "bind KP_END ut_radio 2 5" // Radio: Cover me set t_KPPGUP "bind KP_PGUP ut_radio 3 1" // Radio: Move in set t_KPPGDN "bind KP_PGDN ut_radio 2 3" // Radio: Hold your position set set_radiotac "vstr t_KPUP; vstr t_KPDOWN; vstr t_KPLEFT; vstr t_KPRIGHT; vstr t_KP5; vstr t_KPHOME; vstr t_KPEND; vstr c_KPPGUP; vstr c_KPPGDN; vstr c_KPINS; vstr c_KPDEL" set empty "ut_echo ^7::||^5 R ^7||:: " set do_radioctf "ut_echo ^7::||^5 R ^7||:: ^2flag modus; vstr set_radioctf; set radiomodus vstr do_radiobomb" set do_radiobomb "ut_echo ^7::||^5 R ^7||:: ^6bomb modus; vstr set_radiobomb; set radiomodus vstr do_radioctf" set do_radiotac "ut_echo ^7::||^5 R ^7||:: ^4tactical modus; vstr set_radiotac; set radiomodus vstr do_radioctf" set radiomodus "vstr do_radioctf" bind KP_SLASH "vstr radiomodus" bind KP_STAR "vstr do_radiotac" bind * "vstr do_radiotac" vstr do_radiotac // sidearm toggle :: knife set weap_knife_1 "ut_weaptoggle knife; vstr use_fov; vstr unuse_pistolmode; set weap_secondary vstr weap_secondary_1; set weap_active vstr weap_knife_1; set weap_knife vstr weap_knife_2" set weap_knife_2 "ut_weaptoggle knife;+button3;-button3;vstr use_fov; vstr unuse_pistolmode; set weap_secondary vstr weap_secondary_1; set weap_active vstr weap_knife_2; set weap_knife vstr weap_knife_1" set weap_knife "vstr weap_knife_1" // secondary toggle :: secondary slot - side arm set weap_secondary_1 "ut_weaptoggle secondary sidearm; vstr use_fov; vstr unuse_pistolmode; set weap_secondary vstr weap_secondary_2; set weap_active vstr weap_secondary_1" set weap_secondary_2 "ut_weaptoggle sidearm sidearm; vstr use_fov; vstr use_pistolmode; set weap_secondary vstr weap_secondary_1; set weap_active vstr weap_secondary_2" set weap_secondary "vstr weap_secondary_2" // primary toggle :: primary slot set weap_primary_1 "ut_weaptoggle primary primary; vstr use_zof; vstr unuse_pistolmode; set weap_secondary vstr weap_secondary_1; set weap_active vstr weap_primary_1" set weap_primary "vstr weap_primary_1" // grenade toggle :: high-explosive <=> smoke set weap_nade "ut_weaptoggle grenade; vstr unuse_pistolmode" //// weapon- or zoom-toggle selector set set_zoom "set do_wheelup ut_zoomin; set do_wheeldown ut_zoomout" set set_weap "set do_wheelup vstr weap_primary; set do_wheeldown vstr weap_secondary" set set_wheelmode_1 "vstr set_zoom; set set_wheelmode vstr set_wheelmode_2; ut_echo ^6Wheel Zoom ^2>>" set set_wheelmode_2 "vstr set_weap; set set_wheelmode vstr set_wheelmode_1; ut_echo ^2Wheel Weapons ^2>>" set set_wheelmode "vstr set_wheelmode_1" vstr set_wheelmode_2 // default mode for wheel // fov toggle set do_fov_wide "cg_fov 104; vstr sens_fov_wide; set do_fov vstr do_fov_narrow" set do_fov_narrow "cg_fov 90; vstr sens_fov_narrow; set do_fov vstr do_fov_wide" set do_fov "vstr do_fov_narrow" vstr do_fov_wide // zoom/fov-toggle toggler set do_zoom_on "ut_zoomin; vstr set_wheelmode_1; set do_zoom vstr do_zoom_off" set do_zoom_off "ut_zoomreset; vstr set_wheelmode_2; set do_zoom vstr do_zoom_on; vstr do_fov_wide" set do_zoom "vstr do_zoom_on" set do_zcrouch_on "+movedown; vstr do_fov_narrow" set do_zcrouch_off "-movedown; vstr do_fov_wide" set has_zoom "set use_zof vstr use_zoom" set has_fov "set use_zof vstr use_fov" //// NOTE!! INS and DEL represent MOUSE5 and MOUSE4. But since those aren't working //// in Windows with Q3. I used Razer driver tool to map INS & DEL to those keys //// Use Find to replace all these entries to your need. set use_fov "bind DEL +vstr do_fov_narrow do_fov_wide; set set_altview vstr use_zoom" set use_zoom "bind DEL +vstr do_zoom_on do_zoom_off; set set_altview vstr use_fov" set set_altview "vstr use_fov" vstr set_altview // grenade script set do_tnade_start "vstr weap_nade; wait 10; +attack; wait 8" set do_tnade_end "-attack; wait 8; vstr weap_active" set is_nade_select "bind e "vstr weap_nade"; set current_nademode vstr is_nade_select; set set_nademode vstr is_nade_throw; ut_echo ^8(^2'^8) ^5----- ^4Select nade, manual prime" set is_nade_throw "bind e "+vstr do_tnade_start do_tnade_end"; set current_nademode vstr is_nade_throw; set set_nademode vstr is_nade_select; ut_echo ^8(^2'^8) ^5----- ^2Select and auto throw nade" set weap_grenade "vstr is_nade_select" set show_nademode "vstr current_nademode" set set_nademode "vstr is_nade_throw" // pistol script set do_pistolburst2 "+attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack" set do_pistolburst3 "+attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack" set do_pistolburst5 "+attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack" set do_pistolauto "+attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack; wait 30; +attack; -attack" set do_pistolstop "wait 30" set is_pistolmode1 "bind MOUSE1 "+attack"; set current_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode1; set use_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode1; set set_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode2; ut_echo ^1:^3:^1: ^5----- ^4Pistol: Single shot"" set is_pistolmode2 "bind MOUSE1 "+vstr do_pistolburst2 do_pistolstop"; set current_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode2; set use_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode2; set set_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode3; ut_echo ^1:^3:^1: ^5----- ^3Pistol: Double shot"" set is_pistolmode3 "bind MOUSE1 "+vstr do_pistolburst3 do_pistolstop"; set current_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode3; set use_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode3; set set_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode4; ut_echo ^1:^3:^1: ^5----- ^3Pistol: Triple shot"" set is_pistolmode4 "bind MOUSE1 "+vstr do_pistolburst5 do_pistolstop"; set current_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode4; set use_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode4; set set_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode5; ut_echo ^1:^3:^1: ^5----- ^1Pistol: Five shot"" set is_pistolmode5 "bind MOUSE1 "+vstr do_pistolauto do_pistolstop"; set current_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode5; set use_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode5; set set_pistolmode vstr is_pistolmode1; ut_echo ^1:^3:^1: ^5----- ^1Pistol: Full-clip ^8<^1!^8>"" set set_pistolmode "vstr is_pistolmode1" set use_pistolmode "vstr is_pistolmode1" set unuse_pistolmode "bind MOUSE1 "+attack" vstr set_pistolmode set show_pistolmode "vstr current_pistolmode" // item toggle gun set do_atitem_on "+attack; ut_itemuse" set do_atitem_off "-attack; ut_itemuse" set set_itemfire_auto "bind MOUSE1 +vstr do_atitem_on do_atitem_off; set current_laser vstr set_itemfire_auto; set set_itemfire vstr set_itemfire_man; ut_echo ^1<^7! ^5----- ^5Use Laser shooting: ^5on" set set_itemfire_man "bind MOUSE1 +attack; set current_laser vstr set_itemfire_man; set set_itemfire vstr set_itemfire_auto; ut_echo ^1<^7! ^5----- ^4Use Laser shooting: ^4off" set show_lasermode "vstr current_laser" set set_itemfire "vstr set_itemfire_auto" //// Night vision goggles color toggle // prefable colors for visibility: // purple, cyan, pink, yellow, orange, green, red, blue set nvg_5 "cg_nvg 5; set current_nvg vstr nvg_5; set nvg_active vstr nvg_5; set nvg_prev vstr nvg_2; set nvg_next vstr nvg_4; ut_echo ^1(^2o ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^6purple" set nvg_4 "cg_nvg 4; set current_nvg vstr nvg_4; set nvg_active vstr nvg_4; set nvg_prev vstr nvg_5; set nvg_next vstr nvg_6; ut_echo ^1(^2o ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^5cyan" set nvg_6 "cg_nvg 6; set current_nvg vstr nvg_6; set nvg_active vstr nvg_6; set nvg_prev vstr nvg_4; set nvg_next vstr nvg_3; ut_echo ^1(^2o ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^1pink" set nvg_3 "cg_nvg 3; set current_nvg vstr nvg_3; set nvg_active vstr nvg_3; set nvg_prev vstr nvg_6; set nvg_next vstr nvg_7; ut_echo ^1(^2o ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^3yellow" set nvg_7 "cg_nvg 7; set current_nvg vstr nvg_7; set nvg_active vstr nvg_7; set nvg_prev vstr nvg_3; set nvg_next vstr nvg_0; ut_echo ^1(^2o ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^3orange" set nvg_0 "cg_nvg 0; set current_nvg vstr nvg_0; set nvg_active vstr nvg_0; set nvg_prev vstr nvg_7; set nvg_next vstr nvg_1; ut_echo ^1(^2o ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^2green" set nvg_1 "cg_nvg 1; set current_nvg vstr nvg_1; set nvg_active vstr nvg_1; set nvg_prev vstr nvg_0; set nvg_next vstr nvg_2; ut_echo ^1(^2o ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^1red" set nvg_2 "cg_nvg 2; set current_nvg vstr nvg_2; set nvg_active vstr nvg_2; set nvg_prev vstr nvg_1; set nvg_next vstr nvg_5; ut_echo ^1(^2o ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^4blue" set show_nvg "vstr current_nvg" set nvg_active "vstr nvg_5" vstr nvg_active set set_nvgshade "vstr nvg_next" // show nade, pistol, lasershooting and nvg modus set show_modus "vstr sfx_click1; vstr show_pistolmode; vstr show_lasermode; vstr show_nademode; vstr show_nvg" //// map toggle set do_maps "vstr last_mappos; vstr last_mapsize; vstr last_arrowscale; vstr last_mapalpha; set set_map vstr do_mapl" set do_mapl "cg_mappos 1; cg_mapsize 400; cg_maparrowscale 2.2; cg_mapalpha 0.95; set set_map vstr do_maps" set set_map "vstr do_mapl" vstr do_maps //// map toggles states set set_mappos1 "cg_mappos 1; set last_mappos vstr set_mappos1; set do_setmappos vstr set_mappos2" set set_mappos2 "cg_mappos 2; set last_mappos vstr set_mappos2; set do_setmappos vstr set_mappos3" set set_mappos3 "cg_mappos 3; set last_mappos vstr set_mappos3; set do_setmappos vstr set_mappos4" set set_mappos4 "cg_mappos 4; set last_mappos vstr set_mappos4; set do_setmappos vstr set_mappos5" set set_mappos5 "cg_mappos 5; set last_mappos vstr set_mappos5; set do_setmappos vstr set_mappos6" set set_mappos6 "cg_mappos 6; set last_mappos vstr set_mappos6; set do_setmappos vstr set_mappos7" set set_mappos7 "cg_mappos 7; set last_mappos vstr set_mappos7; set do_setmappos vstr set_mappos8" set set_mappos8 "cg_mappos 8; set last_mappos vstr set_mappos8; set do_setmappos vstr set_mappos9" set set_mappos9 "cg_mappos 9; set last_mappos vstr set_mappos9; set do_setmappos vstr set_mapposA" set set_mapposA "cg_mappos 10; set last_mappos vstr set_mapposA; set do_setmappos vstr set_mapposB" set set_mapposB "cg_mappos 11; set last_mappos vstr set_mapposB; set do_setmappos vstr set_mappos1" //set do_setmappos "vstr set_mappos1" set set_mapsize10 "cg_mapsize 100; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize10; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize11" set set_mapsize11 "cg_mapsize 110; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize11; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize12" set set_mapsize12 "cg_mapsize 120; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize12; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize13" set set_mapsize13 "cg_mapsize 130; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize13; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize14" set set_mapsize14 "cg_mapsize 140; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize14; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize15" set set_mapsize15 "cg_mapsize 150; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize15; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize16" set set_mapsize16 "cg_mapsize 160; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize16; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize17" set set_mapsize17 "cg_mapsize 170; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize17; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize18" set set_mapsize18 "cg_mapsize 180; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize18; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize19" set set_mapsize19 "cg_mapsize 190; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize19; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize20" set set_mapsize20 "cg_mapsize 200; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize20; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize21" set set_mapsize21 "cg_mapsize 210; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize21; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize22" set set_mapsize22 "cg_mapsize 220; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize22; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize23" set set_mapsize23 "cg_mapsize 230; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize23; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize24" set set_mapsize24 "cg_mapsize 240; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize24; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize25" set set_mapsize25 "cg_mapsize 250; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize25; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize26" set set_mapsize26 "cg_mapsize 260; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize26; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize27" set set_mapsize27 "cg_mapsize 270; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize27; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize28" set set_mapsize28 "cg_mapsize 280; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize28; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize29" set set_mapsize29 "cg_mapsize 290; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize29; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize30" set set_mapsize30 "cg_mapsize 300; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize30; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize31" set set_mapsize31 "cg_mapsize 310; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize31; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize32" set set_mapsize32 "cg_mapsize 320; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize32; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize33" set set_mapsize33 "cg_mapsize 330; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize33; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize34" set set_mapsize34 "cg_mapsize 340; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize34; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize35" set set_mapsize35 "cg_mapsize 350; set last_mapsize vstr set_mapsize35; set do_setmapsize vstr set_mapsize10" //set do_setmapsize "vstr set_mapsize10" set set_mapalpha1 "cg_mapalpha 0.15; set last_mapalpha vstr set_mapalpha1; set do_setmapalpha vstr set_mapalpha2" set set_mapalpha2 "cg_mapalpha 0.25; set last_mapalpha vstr set_mapalpha2; set do_setmapalpha vstr set_mapalpha3" set set_mapalpha3 "cg_mapalpha 0.35; set last_mapalpha vstr set_mapalpha3; set do_setmapalpha vstr set_mapalpha4" set set_mapalpha4 "cg_mapalpha 0.45; set last_mapalpha vstr set_mapalpha4; set do_setmapalpha vstr set_mapalpha5" set set_mapalpha5 "cg_mapalpha 0.55; set last_mapalpha vstr set_mapalpha5; set do_setmapalpha vstr set_mapalpha6" set set_mapalpha6 "cg_mapalpha 0.65; set last_mapalpha vstr set_mapalpha6; set do_setmapalpha vstr set_mapalpha7" set set_mapalpha7 "cg_mapalpha 0.75; set last_mapalpha vstr set_mapalpha7; set do_setmapalpha vstr set_mapalpha8" set set_mapalpha8 "cg_mapalpha 0.85; set last_mapalpha vstr set_mapalpha8; set do_setmapalpha vstr set_mapalpha9" set set_mapalpha9 "cg_mapalpha 0.95; set last_mapalpha vstr set_mapalpha9; set do_setmapalpha vstr set_mapalphaA" set set_mapalphaA "cg_mapalpha 1.00; set last_mapalpha vstr set_mapalphaA; set do_setmapalpha vstr set_mapalpha1" //set do_setmapalpha "vstr set_mapalpha1" set set_arrowscale10 "cg_maparrowscale 1.0; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale10; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale11" set set_arrowscale11 "cg_maparrowscale 1.1; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale11; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale12" set set_arrowscale12 "cg_maparrowscale 1.2; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale12; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale13" set set_arrowscale13 "cg_maparrowscale 1.3; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale13; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale14" set set_arrowscale14 "cg_maparrowscale 1.4; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale14; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale15" set set_arrowscale15 "cg_maparrowscale 1.5; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale15; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale16" set set_arrowscale16 "cg_maparrowscale 1.6; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale16; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale17" set set_arrowscale17 "cg_maparrowscale 1.7; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale17; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale18" set set_arrowscale18 "cg_maparrowscale 1.8; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale18; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale19" set set_arrowscale19 "cg_maparrowscale 1.9; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale19; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale20" set set_arrowscale20 "cg_maparrowscale 2.0; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale20; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale21" set set_arrowscale21 "cg_maparrowscale 2.1; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale21; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale22" set set_arrowscale22 "cg_maparrowscale 2.2; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale22; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale23" set set_arrowscale23 "cg_maparrowscale 2.3; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale23; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale24" set set_arrowscale24 "cg_maparrowscale 2.4; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale24; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale25" set set_arrowscale25 "cg_maparrowscale 2.5; set last_arrowscale vstr set_arrowscale25; set do_setarrowscale vstr set_arrowscale10" //do_setarrowscale "vstr set_arrowscale10" //// crouch toggle states seta do_crouch_on "+movedown; set do_crouch vstr do_crouch_off" seta do_crouch_off "-movedown; set do_crouch vstr do_crouch_on" seta do_crouch "vstr do_crouch_on" //// walk toggle states seta do_walk_on "vstr do_sprint_off; +speed; set do_walk vstr do_walk_off; ut_echo ^4%%^7 Walk ->" seta do_walk_off " -speed; set do_walk vstr do_walk_on" seta do_walk "vstr do_walk_on" //// sprint toggle states seta do_sprint_on "vstr do_crouch_off; vstr do_walk_off; +button8; set do_sprint vstr do_sprint_off" seta do_sprint_off " -button8; set do_sprint vstr do_sprint_on" seta do_sprint "vstr do_sprint_on" //// scores toggle set scoreboard_on "+scores; set scoreboard vstr scoreboard_off" set scoreboard_off "-scores; set scoreboard vstr scoreboard_on" set scoreboard "vstr scoreboard_on" //// gears layouts set looks_normal "raceblue 3; seta funblue goggles,capbl; racered 3; seta funred goggles,caprd" set looks_nexu "raceblue 3; seta funblue ninja,goggles; racered 3; seta funred ninja,goggles" set looks_ninja "raceblue 3; seta funblue ninja; racered 3; seta funred ninja" set looks_bunny "raceblue 2; seta funblue ponypk,shades; racered 2; seta funred asian,ponyny,shades" set looks_onslaught "raceblue 3; seta funblue ninja, spikeybl, mohwkbk; racered 3; seta funred ninja,spikeybk,mohwkor" set print_line "ut_echo ^8____________________________________________________________" set print_text1 "ut_echo ^8[||||]^4 Active gear changed to:" set select_gear "ut_echo ^8[||||]^4 No active gear selected yet!" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FLAAVUW_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 LR300 Beretta ^8|^7 laser silencer helmet ^8]^3 Urban John Woo" set gear_FLAAVUW_def "gear FLAAVUW; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FLAAVUW_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_nexu" set gear_FLAAVUW "set select_gear vstr gear_FLAAVUW_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FaAAVUW_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 AK103 Beretta ^8|^7 laser silencer helmet ^8]^3 Urban Apocalypse" set gear_FaAAVUW_def "gear FaAAVUW; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FaAAVUW_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_nexu" set gear_FaAAVUW "set select_gear vstr gear_FaAAVUW_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FeAAVUW_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 M4A1 Beretta ^8|^7 laser silencer helmet ^8]^3 Urban Army" set gear_FeAAVUW_def "gear FeAAVUW; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FeAAVUW_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_nexu" set gear_FeAAVUW "set select_gear vstr gear_FeAAVUW_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FLAAVWT_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 LR300 Beretta ^8|^7 laser helmet medpack ^8]^3 Urban Phd." set gear_FLAAVWT_def "gear FLAAVWT; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FLAAVWT_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_ninja" set gear_FLAAVWT "set select_gear vstr gear_FLAAVWT_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FLAASVW_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 LR300 Beretta ^8|^7 nvg laser helmet ^8]^3 Urban Sentinel" set gear_FLAASVW_def "gear FLAASVW; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FLAASVW_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_ninja" set gear_FLAASVW "set select_gear vstr gear_FLAASVW_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FeAOVWA_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 M4A1 Beretta ^8|^7 laser helmet HE-nades ^8]^3 Urban Demolition" set gear_FeAOVWA_def "gear FeAOVWA; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FeAOVWA_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_ninja" set gear_FeAOVWA "set select_gear vstr gear_FeAOVWA_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FKIAUWA_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 HK69 MP5 Beretta ^8|^7 silencer helmet ^8]^3 Urban Demolition Support" set gear_FKIAUWA_def "gear FKIAUWA; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FKIAUWA_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_ninja" set gear_FKIAUWA "set select_gear vstr gear_FKIAUWA_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FIJAUWA_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 MP5 UMP5 Beretta ^8|^7 silencer helmet ^8]^3 Easter Bunny Hopper" set gear_FIJAUWA_def "gear FIJAUWA; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FIJAUWA_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_bunny" set gear_FIJAUWA "set select_gear vstr gear_FIJAUWA_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FMAAUTW_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 G36 Beretta ^8|^7 silencer helmet medpack ^8]^3 Urban Camper" set gear_FMAAUTW_def "gear FMAAUTW; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FMAAUTW_inf; vstr has_zoom; vstr looks_ninja" set gear_FMAAUTW "set select_gear vstr gear_FMAAUTW_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FNIAUWA_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 PSG MP5 Beretta ^8|^7 silencer helmet ^8]^3 Urban Sniper" set gear_FNIAUWA_def "gear FNIAUWA; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FNIAUWA_inf; vstr has_zoom; vstr looks_ninja" set gear_FNIAUWA "set select_gear vstr gear_FNIAUWA_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FZIATWA_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 SR8 MP5 Beretta ^8|^7 medpack helmet ^8]^3 Urban Faggot" set gear_FZIATWA_def "gear FZIATWA; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FZIATWA_inf; vstr has_zoom; vstr looks_ninja" set gear_FZIATWA "set select_gear vstr gear_FZIATWA_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FLAAVRW_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 LR300 Beretta ^8|^7 laser kevlar helmet ^8]^3 Urban Target" set gear_FLAAVRW_def "gear FLAAVRW; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FLAAVRW_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_normal" set gear_FLAAVRW "set select_gear vstr gear_FLAAVRW_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FaAAURW_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 AK103 Beretta ^8|^7 silencer kevlar helmet ^8]^3 Urban Soldier" set gear_FaAAURW_def "gear FaAAURW; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FaAAURW_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_normal" set gear_FaAAURW "set select_gear vstr gear_FaAAURW_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ set gear_FcAQURA_inf "ut_echo ^1<^3!^1> ^8[^1 NEGEV Beretta ^8|^7 silencer kevlar ^8]^3 Urban Turret" set gear_FcAQURA_def "gear FcAQURA; vstr print_text1; vstr gear_FcAQURA_inf; vstr has_fov; vstr looks_onslaught" set gear_FcAQURA "set select_gear vstr gear_FcAQURA_def" //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // classes type system based on tactical usefullness seta do_cl11 "vstr print_line; vstr gear_FLAAVUW; vstr gear_FLAAVUW_inf; seta use_class1 vstr do_cl12" seta do_cl12 " vstr gear_FaAAVUW; vstr gear_FaAAVUW_inf; seta use_class1 vstr do_cl13" seta do_cl13 " vstr gear_FeAAVUW; vstr gear_FeAAVUW_inf; seta use_class1 vstr do_cl11" seta use_class1 "vstr do_cl11" seta do_cl21 "vstr print_line; vstr gear_FMAAUTW; vstr gear_FMAAUTW_inf; seta use_class2 vstr do_cl22" seta do_cl22 " vstr gear_FNIAUWA; vstr gear_FNIAUWA_inf; seta use_class2 vstr do_cl23" seta do_cl23 " vstr gear_FZIATWA; vstr gear_FZIATWA_inf; seta use_class2 vstr do_cl21" seta use_class2 "vstr do_cl21" seta do_cl31 "vstr print_line; vstr gear_FLAAVWT; vstr gear_FLAAVWT_inf; seta use_class3 vstr do_cl32" seta do_cl32 " vstr gear_FLAASVW; vstr gear_FLAASVW_inf; seta use_class3 vstr do_cl33" seta do_cl33 " vstr gear_FeAOVWA; vstr gear_FeAOVWA_inf; seta use_class3 vstr do_cl34" seta do_cl34 " vstr gear_FKIAUWA; vstr gear_FKIAUWA_inf; seta use_class3 vstr do_cl35" seta do_cl35 " vstr gear_FIJAUWA; vstr gear_FIJAUWA_inf; seta use_class3 vstr do_cl31" seta use_class3 "vstr do_cl31" seta do_cl41 "vstr print_line; vstr gear_FLAAVRW; vstr gear_FLAAVRW_inf; seta use_class4 vstr do_cl42" seta do_cl42 " vstr gear_FaAAURW; vstr gear_FaAAURW_inf; seta use_class4 vstr do_cl43" seta do_cl43 " vstr gear_FcAQURA; vstr gear_FcAQURA_inf; seta use_class4 vstr do_cl41" seta use_class4 "vstr do_cl41" //// audio volume seta s_volumemute "s_volume 0.000; ut_echo "^8audio^7volume ^5[^9---------^5]"; seta set_volume vstr s_volumelowest" seta s_volumelowest "s_volume 0.100; ut_echo "^8audio^7volume ^5[^3|^9--------^5]"; seta set_volume vstr s_volumelow" seta s_volumelow "s_volume 0.350; ut_echo "^8audio^7volume ^5[^3|||^9------^5]"; seta set_volume vstr s_volumemed" seta s_volumemed "s_volume 0.620; ut_echo "^8audio^7volume ^5[^3||||||^9---^5]"; seta set_volume vstr s_volumehigh" seta s_volumehigh "s_volume 0.950; ut_echo "^8audio^7volume ^5[^3|||||||||^5]"; seta set_volume vstr s_volumemute" seta set_volume "vstr s_volumemute" //// graphics tweaker set graph_low "ut_echo "^8graphics ^5[^9---------^5]"; exec graph_low.cfg; set set_graph vstr graph_med" set graph_med "ut_echo "^8graphics ^5[^3|||^9------^5]"; exec graph_med.cfg; set set_graph vstr graph_high" set graph_high "ut_echo "^8graphics ^5[^3||||||^9---^5]"; exec graph_high.cfg; set set_graph vstr graph_ultra" set graph_ultra "ut_echo "^8graphics ^5[^3|||||||||^5]"; exec graph_ultra.cfg; set set_graph vstr graph_low" set set_graph "vstr graph_low" //// minimizer toggle set is_alttab_on "cl_alttab 1; ut_echo ^5<^1!^5> ^4Alt-Tabbing enabled; seta set_alttab vstr is_alttab_off" set is_alttab_off "cl_alttab 0; ut_echo ^5<^1!^5> ^4Alt-Tabbing disabled; seta set_alttab vstr is_alttab_on" set set_alttab "vstr is_alttab_on" //// demo recording toggle seta record_demo "vstr record_demo_start" seta record_demo_start "set record_demo vstr record_demo_stop; stoprecord; recorddemo" seta record_demo_stop "set record_demo vstr record_demo_start; stoprecord" echo "===> nexuconfig.cfg :: load...OK" ut_echo ^1===> ^4nexuconfig.cfg ^7:: ^3load...OK exec servs.cfg